The refurbishment and extension of a listed building to be used as Municipal Library and Adult Education Center. The old ‘Stadthaus’ was designed in 1926 by the architect German Bestelmeyer. Demolition of a smaller adjacent building created the extra space needed for the new entrance volume. The new building houses beside the foyer a multi-functional auditorium and a teaching kitchen. The old courtyard was glazed and serves as lightwell and new core of the complex: a courtyard for reading and meeting, grouping library and educational facilities around it. The library occupies the first and second floor, the educational facilities the levels above. Administration offices have been moved to the northern wing of the building.

Stairwell from below. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

Corner elevation on public square with new and existing municipal library. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

View from mezzanine towards library. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

View across courtyard to corridors. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

Corner elevation of main entrance on public square. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

Private reading room with bookshelves. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

Stairwell. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

Perspective along ground floor of central courtyard. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

Library aisle with bookshelves. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.

Corner elevation on public square with context at dusk. Haus der Bildung – Municipal Library Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Architect: kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel.architekten, 2015.